Thursday 30 May 2013

About The Company Immunotec

Nowadays companies are not functioning alone. They have realized that the key to success is to include their main shareholders in their functioning, in their mission as well as in their profit sharing. That is the only way to guarantee sustenance in a highly competitive global consumer world. Immunotec is one such company. It not only invests in building the immune system of the humans in the present as well as the future, they want people to share in their workings and help them to grow. If you believe in the mission of the company and wish to be part of their profit sharing experience, there are lots of benefits that are in store for you.

How You Benefit

When you join Immunotec there are many ways that you can benefit:
• The solutions that it promises can very well change our lives
• What’s more, the revolutionary products and supplements that they produce will come to you at amazing discounts
• You will learn how the company functions, what it aims to do and be a part of its growth plan
That is how Immunotec plans to be part of the lives of their customers and to engage them in all ways possible. From educating them to make them stakeholders, they will ensure that customers are a part of their corporate plan and mission in every step of the way.

Mission Statement

Every company has a mission statement as it guides them and gives them direction in what they do and how they plan on going about it. The mission statement of the company is to enrich the lives of the people globally. That would be done by enhancing their health and wellness. At the same time, the sales plan is built in such a way that economic security can be provided to all who take up the selling of Immunotec products as a business opportunity.

How The Company Stands Apart

The industry for fitness and health is gaining ground more and more as more research is being done in this field. Thanks to the internet, the news of any latest discovery or advancement is spreading quickly. Immunotec has established its own credible image in this sphere. It is recognized not only by medical researchers and professionals across the world but it even sets standards for the products that it manufactures and produces them at consistent performance standards. That is possible only for the following criteria:

• The company has invested more than thirty years of research especially under the manufacturing of its flagship product named immunocal. This was a groundbreaking innovation. It has resulted in patents in North America as well as across the world.
• Today the patent products have high demand and it presents lucrative business opportunity for many
• It is a nutritional company and the product that it markets is a non drug nutritional product
• Its products are recommended by doctors and nutrition experts
Thus, there are several reasons for one to join hands with this company and have faith in the products that it manufactures.

Wednesday 29 May 2013

Immunocal Gets Even Better

What Immunocal Is All About

If you have already benefited from the Immunocal or have heard of the benefits that many people have derived from it, you might be surprised to hear that a new and improved version has been launched as well. This is known as the immunocal platinum. This can be termed as the next generation of the famous Immunocal product. The first generation product was considered revolutionary since it aimed to act as an immunity boosting and anti aging product. Its effects were manifold:

• It claimed to reduce the wear and tear that naturally goes on in the human body
• It was aimed at the maturing population especially the baby boomers as well as the athletes

The product caused a lot of upheaval in the fitness industry as it was considered an anti drug fitness product. Hence, this nutritional product was sought out by most people who wanted to benefit of its functions without having to suffer adverse side effects of chemicals.

How It Was Discovered

If you are wondering how it works, both the first generation or the second generation product, they consist of a formula that was discovered by this company. This formula acted on the body to help it to increase the production of glutathione. This chemical is known as the master antioxidant in the human body. The acclaimed researcher who was behind this success formula was none other than Dr. Wulf Dröge. He believed that there was not only room for further improvement of the anti aging mechanism of the human body, he has consequently even improved the formula that he used in the first generation product to give us the Immunocal Platinum.

What The Improved Version Will Do

If you are intrigued to hear about the new product and what enhanced benefits you can derive from it, you simply need to read on to understand it fully:

• It works by allowing the muscles to function optimally
• It smoothens the function of the kidney
• It strengthens the bone health
• It ensures that one has a strong immune system
• The new product will have the added advantage of reducing the acid production which may develop when they go on a high protein diet

Thus, if you are a part of the baby Boomer generation or an athlete trying to maintain your physical stamina and standards of performance, you will surely benefit from this product. It will ensure that you can supplement your regular diet and exercises in a way that will keep up your performance at optimum levels on the track field and even off it. Thus, even if you are a regular person moving towards your thirties and would like to take special care of your health, ensure that you lead an active life, a well balanced diet and supplement the same with the intake of the nutritional product immunocal platinum. You can read up online reviews to know more and be convinced before you place in your order.

Thursday 23 May 2013

How To Lead A Healthier Life Using Immunocal?

Our changing lifestyle and changing food habits are having a negative impact on our body systems. They are affecting the quality of life lead by the people. We need a proactive approach to overcome these drawbacks. Major role is played by changes in diet, exercise and through the consumption of natural health supplements. People are now depending on clinically proven natural supplements to improve their health and to feel energetic. One such product is Immunocal from Immunotec Company. This product offers many health benefits to the users. Some of the benefits are discussed below.
Health Benefits Of Immunocal

Our body needs a proper supply of proteins for proper functioning. When the protein supply to our body decreases it affects various metabolic activities of the body. This particular product from Immunotec is a protein supplement and it facilitates various critical functioning of the body which is needed to lead a quality life. The major benefits of using Immunocal protein supplement is that

• It increases the immunity of your body

• It improves the ability of the body to fight off free radicals

• It helps to remove toxins and pollutants from the body

• Enhances youthfulness and makes you more energetic

This patented nutritional supplement has more than 90 % pure protein and it helps in the increased production of glutathione as this product is a great source of Cysteine and other amino acids needed for the production of various proteins in our body. Cysteine is a building block of glutathione. Moreover this natural product has no major side effect if used properly according to the direction given by the company. Our body is constantly experiencing many stresses. This supplement supports your immune system and provides more vitality. This special protein is recognized in the Physician’s Desk Reference.

Is It Necessary For Healthy People

Some healthy people believe that they do not need any form of supplements for them. It is necessary even for healthy people to maintain the right glutathione levels. The level of this essential component reduces as we age. Factors like stress, radiation, pollution, poor diet, injury and infection can reduce the level of glutathione. So, in order to keep your immune system healthy, it is necessary to take essential proteins, vitamins and mineral supplements even if you are healthy.

Are There Any Side Effects?

Whenever people come across a nutritional supplement the first question that will come to their mind would be “whether they are safe?” It is a natural product and is considered as safe; however people who are allergic to milk proteins should avoid this. People who are under the immune suppressive medication should avoid this product. Though there are no major side effects reported, it can cause abdominal cramps in some people, which can be avoided by increasing fluid intake by the person. Some people may develop rashes which may be due to detoxification effect or due to allergy. In such cases it is necessary to discontinue the product and contact the medical practitioner.

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Immunotec – Products And Business Opportunities That Immunotec Provides

What Is Immunotec

Immunotec is a company that produces and markets health and wellness products. The main aim of the company is to provide natural supplements that are created based on research and science. Immunotec has been in the health and wellness industry for many years now and their product Immunocal is a supplement that has been listed in the Physicians’ Desk Reference (PDR) and has also been awarded with a lot of ‘method of use’ patents. Immunotec markets their product through network marketing and is available in the USA and Canada through only network marketing. However in other countries their products are sold under some exclusive distribution agreements that they have signed with various companies.

Immunotec Products

• The various products that Immunotec have in their arsenal are mostly health and wellness products. But they also have beauty products for the skin and also focus on weight management products.

• The most popular product of the company is Immunocal which is known to improve the immune system of humans and has a high reputation of being a product that is effective.

• Most of the products that the company focuses on are food supplement products and other supplements like Omega 3, minerals and vitamins.

• The most important aspect of these products is that they are natural and therefore, there are very few side effects that may be experienced.

• Moreover, their products are subjected to a lot of testing and are developed after extensive research and therefore they are considered to be effective in most cases.

Immunotec Research

Immunotec develops all their products after extensive research and their products are also subjected to a lot of different kinds of testing. Some of the products are going through human trials and therefore their effects on humans are being researched on. As most of the products are natural, they are considered to have the very little or almost no side effects and that is why their products are so popular among people. Their research department is made up of some very highly qualified and experienced doctors who are fully aware of what their objectives are when developing new health and wellness products. It is purely because of the efforts of the research department that Immunotec is able to consistently bring out products that are effective and safe.

Immunotec Network Marketing

Immunotec markets their products only through network marketing and this marketing strategy is responsible for their product's ability to reach out to people in a lot better way than selling them over counters. As the products are mostly health and wellness products, the influence of a human at the selling point is always considered to be a great bonus. It is through personal contacts that Immunotec products are first sold by a consultant and then the effectiveness of the product will start to spread through word of mouth and that is when the product will start gaining the market presence it needs. If you are looking at joining Immunotec as a consultant to market their products, then do go through their website and also check on the recent performance of the consultants so that you get a better idea on what to expect.

Sunday 31 March 2013

Immunocal Platinum – How Is Immunocal Platinum Different To Immunocal

What Is Immunocal Platinum?

Immunocal has been a protein supplement that is very popular with people across America and Canada as it is considered to be effective and natural. But there was continued research on Immunocal and the research has been going for more than 30 years. The result of this research has led to the new product Immunocal Platinum being introduced into the market alongside the popular Immunocal protein supplement. Both products are made of the same delicate protein, but there are some additions in Immunocal Platinum where some importance has been given on protein metabolism and also the components of whey proteins which are known to relate to ageing.

New Formulations In Immunocal Platinum

There are two separate formulations that have been added to immunocal platinum and they are ‘Cytokine Modulating Peptides (CMP)’ and ‘Redox Modulating Formula (RMF)’. Cytokines are small molecules that are present in the immune system and are used to regulate inflammation. Inflammation is not just confined to aches and pains, but have a role to play in neurological health and cardiovascular health. These molecules are known to be one of the major factors that drive the ageing process and CMP helps in reducing the number of cytokines in the body to reduce ageing. Redox Modulating Formula was developed by the research team at Immunotec and it helps in reducing the amount of acid being produced in the body and also helps to control calcium loss.

Advantages Of Immunocal Platinum

Most of the benefits that Immunocal is known for has been retained in Immunocal Platinum and added to that are two formulations that are known to help in anti ageing and also help in bone strength. The main focus of Immunocal Platinum is to develop the immune system of a person’s body while enhancing glutathione levels in the body. The supplement has been proven to enhance three types of immunity in a person’s body. By raising the glutathione levels in your body, the health supplement is helping you with preventative immunity. Glutathione is known to be the most important antioxidant in our body and the advantages of increased glutathione levels are known to help in detoxification of the body, increase energy levels and also help keep our immune system in order. Immunocal Platinum has taken the immune enhancement to an entirely different level and has set new standards in the industry with the product.

Difference Between Immunocal And Immunocal Platinum

Immunocal, which was developed first, has some proteins that helped to boost the glutathione levels in the body specifically in the cells of the body and this helped the immune system to perform well. Immunocal Platinum has all the ingredients that Immunocal has, but has some additional formulations that have been added to it. Immunocal Platinum was developed having the baby boomers in mind and the product is specifically for them. But others can also use the product as it helps to repair the damages in the cells, improve the mood of a person, increase his energy levels which will help with concentration and alertness. An added advantage is that the product helps to maintain bone health and help in proper muscle functioning.